Meeting Programs Committee




This committee manages the six member meetings held at the Atlanta Botanical Garden each year. The committee identifies program topics, schedules speakers and arranges the logistics for each meeting, ensuring that the projector and or speaker system are available to the presenter. Refreshments, when needed, are handled by this committee

Management of carpool requests is also handled by this committee.
Tasks for providing refreshments

  • Obtain committee budget from the Treasurer to determine spending for each event.
  • Solicit members for food contributions.
  • Taking into account member contributions, bring an assortment of appetizers, desserts and beverages.
  • Provide disposable products such as napkins, plates, cups, eating untensils and tablecloth and containers for ice and water.
  • Set up and take down the hospitality table.
  • Annual potluck dinner.
    1. Divide the membership into alphabetical groups.
    2. Assign each group a food category such as vegetables, desserts, etc.
    3. Order and provide the entree, beverages and setup products.
    4. Set up and clean up.

Policies and Procedures:



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