Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday August 05, 2017
On a mild August day, 2 GNPS members and 5 members of Girl Scout Troup 11525 with their leader met at the Mary Scott Nature Park to continue weeding the front parking lot bed and the pollinator flower bed. Many weeds were removed including crabgrass, chamberbitter, and mulberry weed.
The resuscitation efforts on the Stokes’ asters, which were planted in May, were successful. The plants had been subjected to attempted vehicular homicide.
Some of the native perennials that were blooming included Rudbeckia ‘Goldstrum’, Liatris, butterfly weed, mountain mint (Pycanthemum loomis), attracting and feeding pollinating insects. Other blooming plants included beautyberry and Heliopsis helianthoides.
The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, September 02, 2017, 1:00-3:00 pm when we plan to continue removing weeds from the new beds. We will also work along the paths hand pulling Microstegium and excavating the chaff flower plants and removing other exotic pest plants. We are hopeful that we’ll have two shrub pullers in use throughout the afternoon pulling Japanese holly and exotic bush honeysuckle.