Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday January 14, 2017

On a warm, sunny January day, eighteen members of Cub Scout Troop 577 with their parents joined 5 GNPS members and park neighbors at the Mary Scott Nature Park to continue the 2017 planting frenzy. The older scouts were working on their Arrow of Light Badge so each scout planted a native tree or shrub and participated in a walk explaining the importance of returning native flora to our landscapes. Three shortleaf pines and five Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ were planted. Additionally twentyseven !27! bags of invasive plants were removed from the park. The bags were packed with Mahonia holly, Chinese holly, Nandina, English ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, Vinca minor, privet, and the like.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, February 04, 2017, 1:00-3:00 pm when we plan to remove weeds from the newly planted bed and dressing it with pine straw. We will also be removing Japanese holly bushes using the weed puller donated by GNPS.


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