Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday January 4, 2020

On a gray, blustery January afternoon with falling temperatures, six neighbors and GNPS members worked at Mary Scott Nature Park on the southwest corner of the park and the parking oval plantings. Cardboard and mulch were spread on the entry plantings to control chickweed and other weeds. English ivy and Japanese honeysuckle were pulled from the area near the ADA parking space. Bamboo runners were dug from that area.

Nonnative seedlings, including privet, Japanese honeysuckle, Mahonia, Nandina, and cherry laurel, were pulled from the margins of the main path and down to the creek.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, February 1, 2020, 2-4pm when we plan to continue removing nonnative plants from the southeast corner of the park. Please bring your gardening gloves, soil knife/trowel, and kneeler to help.


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