State Botanical Garden
GNPS is a partner organization with the State Botanical Garden’s Georgia Native Plant Initiative.
The Georgia Native Plant Initiative (GNPI) is a networking program for promoting the use of Georgia native plants in all kinds of gardening. This collaboration between growers, landscapers, land and roadside managers, plant societies, Garden clubs and Georgia gardeners seeks to transform gardens, roadsides and landscapes across Georgia by showcasing the horticultural appeal and ecological value of our native flora. Through education and publicity projects, the GNPI links growers with gardeners, promoting the incorporation of natives into all types of gardens. The GNPI also links growers to state and federal agencies involved in habitat restoration efforts and roadside management. Utility companies like Georgia Power are also connected, and the GNPI recommends appropriate species, production protocols and land restoration techniques for managing power-line right-of-ways. Retail nurseries that produce high quality native plants according to ethical guidelines get special promotion from the GNPI, and projects where native plants have been successfully incorporated are showcased, be they home gardens, roadside plantings, agricultural settings, commercial landscaping or habitat restorations. It is time for all of us to “Get rooted in Georgia!”
GNPS has also gifted monies to the State Botanical Garden to increase the ability of the Center Native Plant Studies to build expertise in collecting and propagating regional native plant material for roadsides, power line right-of-ways, restoration, and home use.
The Center occupies a seven-acre site on the SBG grounds, adjacent to a floodplain forest that is being actively restored to enhance plant and wildlife diversity. The Center is the headquarters for their native plant research and propagation activities as well as endangered plant safeguarding. In the future it will also include native plant display gardens for public visitors.
In 2012, the GNPS Board was pleased to be able to support new efforts to bring native plants into the nursery trade for projects large and small. A gift from GNPS will be used to provide funding to build raised beds, convert a hoop house, and support a fall internship. Total funding: $8,617.