Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday April 6, 2019

On April 6, 2019, five Friends of Mary Scott Nature Park worked with one Boy Scout, who was earning service hours. He distributed wood chips to one replanted area. There are nine yard waste bags filled with E. ivy, J. honeysuckle, lots of jetbead seedlings, trees of heaven root sprouts, and some Youngia japonica awaiting collection and composting by DeKalb County Sanitation. Privet and Bradford pears were left as brush piles. Two Friends put down cardboard and wood chips on the crest of the entry garden which had been weeded earlier in the week. It looks much better with the grooming. Two walkers joined the effort to pull English ivy. My son had given me a package of cheap gloves for Christmas, in case volunteers showed up without gloves. So the ad hoc volunteers had gloves to protect their hands.

The Jacks-in-the-Pulpit were not up yet.

The western entry had been enhanced by planting of wild geranium, yellow wood poppy, and zig-zag iris.

The county repaved some of the southern park trails with fine gravel this week. It’s certainly easier to walk on. I hope they repave the remaining trails.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, May 4, 2019, 2-4 pm when we plan to continue removing nonnative plants. Please bring your gardening gloves, soil knife/trowel, and kneeler to help.


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