Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday April 07, 2018
DeKalb County did not deliver the requested dumpster to the western entry of Mary Scott Nature Park in anticipation of the Friends work party. So a stack of Chinese holly was piled at the western entrance to the park awaiting county disposal. On a rainy April day, five students from Kittredge sixth grade with two parents helped five Georgia Native Plant Society members remove some nonnative plants from the park. We pulled and cut liriope, privet, Chinese holly, Japanese hollysuckle, acuba, nandina, cherry laurel, English ivy, jet bead, Youngia japonica, and Burfordii holly. Jacks were coming up. Poison ivy was greening up.
The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, May 05, 2018, 2:00-4:00 pm when we plan to continue following the 2018 action plan of removing pest plants and waiting to see what grows in newly open space.