Report of Mary Scott Nature Park Workday July 2, 2022

On July 2,2022, the Friends of Mary Scott Nature Park held a workday at the park. Two 2022 graduates of Chamblee High worked on trail maintenance by lining the edge of the path with downed wood to confine the gravel to the path. One Friend will enter UGA this fall to study ecology; the other will attend Georgia Tech to study Industrial Engineering. We are grateful for their help.
Six women Friends continued removing nonnative flora from the parking oval and the Girl Scout planting. One female Friend updated the kiosks.

There were lots of blooms to enjoy in our mid summer season: butterfly weed, wild petunia, coneflower, elderberry, black eyed Susans, tall bellflower, and mountain mint.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, August 6, 2022, 10-12 am, when we plan to continue removing nonnative plants from the park and doing more trail maintenance.


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