Report of Mary Scott Nature Park Workday June 4, 2022

On June 4,2022, the Friends of Mary Scott Nature Park held a workday at the park. Four workers came to the morning session to repair the damage that a tree removal truck did to the east entrance and to shovel gravel back onto the county maintained paths. The area around the playground was weeded, and the tree which blocked use of one of the benches was limbed up. Three workers came to the afternoon session to pull Microstegium, mulberry weed, Asian ladies’ thumb, and the like from the boulder area near the driveway. Several Japanese hollies were dug out. Porcelainberry vine was pulled from entry fence.

There were lots of blooms to enjoy in our early summer season: butterflyweed, dwarf coreopsis, Stokes aster, sundrops, wild petunia, coneflower, elderberry, skullcap, and St. Johnswort.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, July 2, 2022, 10-12 am, when we plan to continue removing nonnative plants from the park and doing more trail maintenance.


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