Report of workday September 23, 2015.

As usual five participants met Susan Hanson at Henderson Nature Preserve Park at Berkley Lake to monitor and remove weeds. It was a sunny, cooler morning. We targeted continued removal of mulberry weed, chamber bitter, Lespedeza sp., and Microstegium. We removed 5 lawn bags of weeds. We found 3 native plants blooming that we did not plant: Helianthus tuberous, Jerusalem artichoke; Helianthus hirstus, stiff haired sunflower; and Collinsonia tuberosa, southern horse balm.

After weeding, most of us lunched together on Susan’s porch.

On October 14, 2015, 10:00-12:00 we plan to plant a collection of wildflowers that Susan has assembled.

The next scheduled workday will be Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 10:00 – 12:00.


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