Scientific Name:
Hexastylis arifolia
Common Name:
Heartleaf ginger
Scientific Name Pronounciation:
hex-uh-STY-lus air-ih-FOH-lee-uh
Plant Type:
Plant Hardiness Zones:
Plant Hardiness Zone(s):
Usual Size:
2-10 in. H x 12 in. W
Urn-like blossom is really a jug-shaped calyx with 3 pointed lobes close to the ground and is sometimes hard to find.
Bloom Time Notes:
Leaves are 3-6 inches long (sometimes longer) and form thick, evergreen, arrowhead-shaped triangles on long petioles arising from the rootstock
Pollinated by small insects
Natural Habitat:
Common in rich, shady, moist woods; also sometimes in dry woods.
Divide older plants carefully in early spring or late fall; difficult from seed
Bloom Time:
Sun or Shade:
Companion Plants:
Cultural Notes:
Heartleaf ginger (Hexastylis arifolia) has beautiful evergreen foilage frequently decorated with an intricate, mottled pattern of silver or cream; frequently bears only one or two leaves in dry Piedmont woods, but in humus-rich locations it is not uncommon to find spectacular clumps bearing a dozen to two dozen leaves. Plant can survive with very little sun if it has sufficient moisture, but needs well-drained soil.
Brush away the leaf litter to reveal the flowers to kids in spring time.
Transplant tips: The feeder roots are fleshy and if disturbed the plant might droop and will need a little care and time to recover; keep plant moist during recovery.
Other Common Names: Little Brown Jug, Evergreen Wild Ginger, Arrow-Leaf Ginger