Scientific Name:

Polygonatum biflorum

Common Name:

Solomon's Seal

Scientific Name Pronounciation:

po-lig-oh-NAY-tum by-FLOR-um

Plant Type:


Plant Hardiness Zones:


Plant Hardiness Zone(s):

    Usual Size:

    1-3 ft. H X 1-1.5 ft. W


    Greenish-yellowish-white, bell-like flowers dangle from the leaf axils along the length of the arching stem in clusters of 2 to 4 flowers.

    Bloom Time Notes:

    Late spring


    Two rows of smooth, alternate, oval to elliptic, prominently veined leaves; lime green on top, whitish underneath.


    Pea-sized, dark, steely blue berries in fall.


    Wildlife eat the fruit.

    Natural Habitat:

    Moist shady woods.


    Divide rhizomes either in early spring, or in fall as leaves begin to yellow; to propagate by seed, collect berries when blue-black and extract white seeds.

    Bloom Time:

      Sun or Shade:

        Companion Plants:

        Cultural Notes:

        Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) grows in partial to full shade; average, medium-wet to wet, well-drained soil; prefers humusy soils; spreads slowly by rhizomes to form colonies if happy.

        Foliage stays green all summer; graceful arching leafy stem is very decorative; wonderful as a specimen or when massed in the woodland or shade garden; age of the plant can be determined by counting the scars along the rhizome.

        Note: The variegated form often used in gardens is not a native species.

        Other Common Names: Smooth Solomon's Seal, Lady's Seal

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