Scientific Name:

Trillium rugelii

Common Name:

Southern Nodding Trillium

Scientific Name Pronounciation:

TRIL-ee-um roo-GEL-ee-eye

Plant Type:


Plant Hardiness Zones:


Plant Hardiness Zone(s):

    Usual Size:

    1-2 ft. H X 10-12 in. W


    Recurved flower is 3-petaled, solitary, pale yellow or cream colored; held beneath the leaves; purple anthers.

    Bloom Time Notes:



    Leaves form a whorl of 3 at the top of the stem, very broad in the middle.


    Maroon, fleshy berry with numerous seeds


    Natural Habitat:

    Rich woodlands and forests.


    Seed or root division.

    Bloom Time:

      Sun or Shade:

        Companion Plants:

        Cultural Notes:

        Southern Nodding Trillium (Trillium rugelii) grow in shade to partial shade; moist well-drained soil. Can be dug bare root if roots are protected from excessive drying; if the stem separates from the roots, plant the roots at the same level as they were originally growing, and the plant will resprout either later in the season or next season.


        Other Common Names: Ill-Scented Wakerobin

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