Scientific Name:
Coreopsis major
Common Name:
Whorled coreopsis
Scientific Name Pronounciation:
kor-ee-OP-sis MAY-jor
Plant Type:
Plant Hardiness Zones:
Plant Hardiness Zone(s):
Usual Size:
24-36 in. H x 24 in. W
Large yellow daisy-like 2-inch flowers with bright yellow center disk (sometimes red); tips of petals not notched; long flower stalk; blooms summer to early fall.
Bloom Time Notes:
Opposite, sessile, heavily divided leaves are divided into 3 leaflets that make plant appear to have whorls of 6 leaves; smaller upper leaves are entire.
Seeds are dark brown/black, shiny and oblong.
Great butterfly and bee plant; birds love the seed; blooms for an extended length of time.
Natural Habitat:
Dry or moist woods, thickets.
Seeds (ripen in late August); stem cuttings in spring; division (late fall).
Bloom Time:
Sun or Shade:
Companion Plants:
Cultural Notes:
Whorled Coreopsis (Coreopsis major) grows in sun to part shade with plant blooming heaviest in sun; dry to average soil.
Other Common Names: Whorled Leaf Coreopsis, Greater Tickseed, Wood Tickseed, Whorled Tickseed