Scientific Name:

Toxicodendron radicans

Common Name:

Poison Ivy

Scientific Name Pronounciation:

toks-ee-ko-DEN-dron RAD-ee-kans

Plant Type:


Plant Hardiness Zones:


Plant Hardiness Zone(s):

Usual Size:

1-5 ft. H X 3-5 ft. W shrub form; 30 ft. H


Flowers small and yellowish-green, borne in clusters

Bloom Time Notes:

Late Spring


Deciduous; alternate; compound with 3 leaflets; leaflets are ovate and irregularly toothed; shiny green above, paler below.


Greenish-white berries; round, about 1/4 inch in diameter; borne in hanging clusters; ripe in late summer; persists through winter; fruit is a favorite food for birds who spread the seed widely.


Birds adore the berries.

Natural Habitat:

Prairies; woodlands; glades; waste ground; fence rows; bluffs; thickets; roadsides; railroads; nearly everywhere.


Fruit and division. Small pieces of root dug up with other plants can grow to be new plants.

Bloom Time:

Sun or Shade:

Companion Plants:

Cultural Notes:

Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) prefers rich soil with good drainage and plenty of water, but can grow almost anywhere; likes full sun, but can tolerate partial shade. Plant can grow in vine or shrub form; most people get an intensely itchy rash from contact with the volatile oil urushiol in this plant; oil is in all parts of the plant; oil can remain in dead parts more than one year; oil on clothes or pets can be transferred and cause rash; remember - leaflets three, leave it be.


Other Scientific Names: Rhus radicans


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