June 17 – 23rd is National Pollinator Week! To celebrate, the Fringed Campion Chapter will be hosting a BioBlitz in Middle Georgia to track native plants and their pollinators.
Before the day of the event, be sure to:
1. Create an account on iNaturalist and add the app to your phone
2. Join our 2024 Fringed Campion Chapter of GNPS Pollinator Week BioBlitz project 
3. Make as many observations of native plants and pollinators in Middle Georgia as possible! Need help figuring out how to do this? See step by step instructions here: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/video+tutorials#add_mob
As part of the week long celebration, members and friends of the Fringed Campion Chapter will be gather for a special BioBlitz meetup at the Amerson River Park Native Plant Garden on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10 am.
Remember to bring a fully charged phone to record your enthusiasm for native plants, contributions to citizen science projects, and sense of wonder to share with fellow participants.
Check the Event in Facebook for any last minute updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/497860052814185

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