Report of Mary Scott Nature Park workday July 7, 2018

Eleven neighbors and GNPS members met at Mary Scott Nature Park to remove seeding plants. Two volunteers weeded crab grass and dandelion from the parking lot bed and reapplied mulch over newspapers. Five volunteers concentrated their efforts on pulling Microstegium from along paths. A scout needing service hours brought his father and two siblings to help remove more Microstegium. Japanese chaff flower, Marianna fern, and potato vine were dug out. Our park is getting opened up with the removal of nonnative woody plants like Magnolia grandiflora, Mahonia holly, Chinese holly, Japanese holly, mock orange, Callery pear, rose of Sharon, and elaeagnus. The faithful volunteers are encouraged to see the progress of returning this space into a Piedmont woodland. Rattlesnake fern was spotted in several places. Six yard bags of seeding nonnative plants were left for disposal by the county.

The next scheduled workday will be Saturday, August 4, 2018, 10:00-12:00 pm when we plan to pull seeding plants like Microstegium, Japanese chaff flower, Asian lady’s thumb, and mulberry weed from along the paths. Please bring your gardening gloves, soil knife/trowel, and kneeler to help.


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