W.D. Thomson Park

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  3. W.D. Thomson Park
Events at this venue

Thomson Park Workday, 7/23/22

W.D. Thomson Park 1760 Mason Mill Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

The monthly Friends of Thomson Park workday for July 2022 is Saturday the 23rd from 9:00am to noon.  We will be removing invasives, spreading mulch, watering, weeding, and monitoring the health of our first plantings from this spring.  We supply water and any tools needed; you bring your work gloves, boots (if we decide to […]

WD Thomson Park Workday, 6/18/22

W.D. Thomson Park 1760 Mason Mill Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

The monthly Friends of Thomson Park workday for June 2022 is Saturday the 18th from 9:00am to noon. (Or only as long as you want to stay; no pressure!)  This week we have a fresh truckload of hardwood mulch to spread, and will also be planting grasses and sedges in the meadow area.  It's hot […]

W.D. Thomson Park Workday

W.D. Thomson Park 1760 Mason Mill Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Our next monthly workday is Sunday, December 12, 2021, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. You will see a sign-in table by the parking area.  Come by anytime you wish and stay only as long as you like! Water and snacks provided.  Dress for the weather and bring your work gloves. Masks are optional since we […]


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