With the hint of fall in the air, now is a perfect time to plant the native azaleas!  Join Fringed Campion members and friends at the Amerson River Park Native Plant Garden & Monarch Waystation for a workday on Saturday morning, Sept. 16, 2023 from 8 until 10 a.m.

The native azaleas were were purchased with funds received from a Georgia Master Gardeners’ Association grant.  Many thanks to the GMGA and to the many master gardener volunteers who give their time and talents to the habit.

Dress for garden work (long pants, long sleeves, gloves, hat, boots), bring a water bottle and hand tools. We’ll also have a few new plants to pop into the ground!

Participants must be 12 years or older, and all participants must sign the GNPS waiver of liability before digging in.


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