Chapters in Georgia Native Plant Society


Over two decades ago, the Georgia Native Plant Society was founded by people based in metro Atlanta.  Since that time, their initiative and message around the importance of native plants to our lives and the ability of individuals to make a difference locally in their protection, stewardship, rescue and propagation, has spread across Georgia and in fact across the USA.  Today our members are served in other locations across the state where local groups are providing educational information, restoration opportunities and opportunities to learn more.


In November 2019, GNPS adopted new bylaws, which implemented a state-wide governing board to set organizational policy, define its strategic vision, and directly support chapter activities. This new organizational structure paved the way for more chapters to form throughout Georgia.

Join a chapter

There are currently 8 chapters of the Georgia Native Plant Society. As a member of GNPS you too can get to work and join like minded people in your area by aligning yourself with one of our chapters.

For current members, login and update your chapter affiliation through the chapter affiliation form. For new or renewing members, select your chapter affiliation on the membership form.

Form a chapter

Let us know if you are interested in learning more about how to join or start up a local chapter near you in the state of Georgia by using the Contact Us form. Current members can also use the Chapter Interest Form. To learn more about the overall process, view the Chapter Quick Start Guide. For a more in-depth guide to forming and running a chapter, see the Chapter Manual.

News & Events

A thanks and some info: Your Yard is Nature’s Best Hope!

A thanks and some info: Your Yard is Nature’s Best Hope!

A big thanks to our presenter Vicki Mann of Quiet GA for her presentation recently at Emory University. Thanks also to Leslie Inman for participating in the event and for all her hard work on behalf of urban habitat.

Mann’s presentation, “Your Yard Is Nature’s Best Hope”, is based on Leslie Nelson Inman’s book, “Your Yard is Nature” and the teachings of Doug Tallamy.

For those who were unable to make the presentation, Mann has graciously shared it with us and it can be found here.

The presentation contains many resources to find information and native plant sellers in the Atlanta area. We appreciate your support of all the GNPS partners.

New Event: Your Yard is Nature’s Best Hope!

New Event: Your Yard is Nature’s Best Hope!

Nature Needs You!

Birds and other pollinators are disappearing at an alarming rate.  Learn why that’s important and how adding native plants to your outdoor space can help reverse the trend. Planting natives is just one of the ten simple but effective ideas our presenter, Vicki Mann will share with us.  She will focus on how to get started and resources to help. The presentation, “Your Yard Is Nature’s Best Hope”, is based on Leslie Nelson Inman’s book, “Your Yard is Nature” and the teachings of Doug Tallamy*.

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Saturday November 12
White Hall, Room 205
301 Dowman Dr, Atlanta, GA 30322

Parking is free.

Register at Eventbrite: Here.   

Attendees can participate in a raffle for a free, high habitat value, perennial native plant that is important to the Intown Atlanta eco-system and will get a Liatris (blazing star) seed packet to use for winter sowing.

Vicki Mann, our presenter, is Co-Founder of QuietGA, an organization that is working to reduce the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in favor of quieter, healthier and greener alternatives.  After reading the books featured in this presentation, she began making changes in her own yard and passionate about spreading the word, encouraging others to act. Learn more about her initiatives at and on her Facebook page.

Leslie Inman will share the stage with Vicki for the Q&A portion of the event.  An avid native plant gardener, she started gardening after hearing Dr. Tallamy speak about the importance of native plants. She has written and illustrated two children’s books about pollinators and their native host plants and has a Facebook group – Pollinator Friendly Yards, with 166,000 members.

*Doug Tallamy, Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware has authored 106 research publications and has taught insect-related courses for 41 years.  He is the author of numerous widely read books about the relationships between insects and plants and is the co-founder of the Homegrown National Park Initiative.

Annual Meeting – Plant Share & Swap

Annual Meeting – Plant Share & Swap

Volunteers are needed to help make this day a success.  Please email to volunteer.

We have an exciting day planned at Zonolite Park on September 18.

The order of events:

12-1 PM Plant Drop-Off. You can bring up to 10 native plants to swap. Bring more to donate to share with others who are just starting out. Label each plant with the common and botanical name (if you know it) and if it grows in the sun or shade. Labels can be placed on the pot or stick labels in the dirt. Popsicle sticks/cut up yoghurt containers or blinds make good labels. Bring a box or nursery flat to carry plants to and from your car.

1-1:45 PM  Annual Meeting at the pavilion The Intown Atlanta Chapter Board will share highlights from our first year as a chapter including an update on our membership numbers and committee structure, event highlights from the year, and upcoming programs and ways to get involved. Lori Conway, Vice Chair of the State Board, will be our featured speaker to give us an overview of GNPS’ Stone Mountain Propagation Project. You might want a camp chair for the meeting.

1:45 to 3 PM Plant Share and Swap. People participating in the plant swap can choose up to 10 plants to take home. People who do not have plants to swap will get to take home one native plant for their garden.  Entry into the plant share and swap will be done in the order of check-in time.

Throughout the day, there will be informational tables where people can speak directly with leaders of working groups that promote the mission of Intown Atlanta GNPS, including our Advocacy and Restoration Committees as well as pollinator-friendly yards.

King of Pops will be onsite beginning at noon offering refreshments for purchase.

You might want to bring water bottle, mosquito repellant, and wear comfortable shoes.

People can also enjoy the 13-acre urban sanctuary at Zonolite Park.


Plant drop off & check in will be at the entrance to Zonolite Park at 1164 Zonolite Place.

This the second road on the left after turning on Zonolite Road just before the Quick Shot Shooting Range. There is a small parking lot where people can temporarily park to drop off their plants.  People will need to move their car to the main parking lot after plant check-in to allow others to drop off their plants.

Main Parking is at a parking lot located in front of 1145 Zonolite Road.

For accessibility purposes:  note that the pavilion is accessed via a short gravel pathway that is traversable for people with limited mobility, but may be challenging for some wheelchairs.

The closest restrooms are at the Krogers in the Sage Hill Shopping Center.

We hope you’ll join us. Invite your neighbors and friends. You do not have to be a member of GNPS to participate.

(For a complete FAQ about the Swap and Share, see Board Member Laura Markson’s blog here:

Pre-order Woody Plants for the Fall

Pre-order Woody Plants for the Fall


To provide our members with access to more trees and shrubs at our Fall Plant sale we are offering the pre-order of select woody items, that can be picked up the same day as the plant sale, just 2 miles down the road at Wills Park. Availability is limited as these items are very popular so you will need to order between now and September 11th.


Save the Date: Chapter Annual Meeting and Plant Share!

Save the Date: Chapter Annual Meeting and Plant Share!

NOW is the best time to pot up your favorite Georgia native plants to get ready for the first Intown Atlanta GNPS Plant Share & Swap event as part of our Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 18 at 1:00pm. Join a growing community sharing favorite native plants with each other! You will be able to exchange up to 10 plants. We suggest bringing 5 additional plants that you do not intend to exchange so intown neighbors who may have a new home or are just starting out adding native plants to their landscape can participate. Feel free to be as generous as your yard is full and help get more native plants in Atlanta yards!

Be on the lookout for more detailed information about the Annual Meeting and the Plant Share!

How to Get Ready Now for the Plant Share

  • Choose your favorite plants that are native to Georgia and growing abundantly in your yard. To protect pollinator health and wildlife, please ensure that any plants you plan to share are free of pesticides.
  • To help identify if a plant is native use a plant ID app like iNaturalist or PictureThis, join a group like Georgia Native Wildflowers and Plants, or e-mail with a picture of the plant and we’ll see if we can identify it.
  • When you dig a plant, get as much root as possible and include soil plant is growing in. Clay needs to be supplemented with “soil conditioner” found where you buy bagged garden soil. An inexpensive potting mix can be made with equal parts compost and soil conditioner.
  • Once you dig a plant, immediately put it in an individual pot and water it.
  • Label each plant with the common and botanical name (if you know it) and if it grows in the sun or shade. Any additional information about the plant such as height, bloom color and time, moisture requirement, or habitat value would be an appreciated bonus!
  • Keep transplanted plants in a shady spot and water as needed until the Plant Share & Swap
  • If you’d like to get involved and help plan the Share & Swap, please e-mail

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