Grants and Scholarships

Georgia Native Plant Society is able to fund the following grants and scholarships due to the generosity of our members and supporters.


Jeane Reeves Research Grant Program

The Jeane Reeves Research Grant Program honors a pioneering member of the Society. Jeane recognized the need to save native plants from development before the Society was formed and brought that passion with her as a founding member of the Society in 1994. Her love and passion for native plants inspired many a new member until she passed away in November 2006. There have been more than 50 research grants applied for and many have been funded. Several of these grants have been quite important because they funded surveys for land that were later purchased by the State for conservation purposes. For example, Oaky Woods prairies, the Monticello Glades and Burks Mountain grasslands had many rare species on them. Research grants are offered annually generally in the spring and summer. Click here for more information.


Scholarships to Conferences, Programs and Symposia

A variety of scholarship opportunities are supported by Georgia Native Plant Society each year:

Cullowhee Native Plant Conference Scholarships

The Cullowhee Native Plant Conference brings botanists, landscape architects, garden designers, ecologists, native plant growers and propagators, academics, restorationists, artists, gardeners and students together from all over the southeast to immerse themselves in native plants. Approximately 20 scholarships are awarded annually to students, interns at botanical gardens, nature centers and/or parks, and to beginning professionals in a native plant-related field. GNPS is proud to fund two of these scholarships to ensure representation of Georgia students. The Scholarship Program is open to applicants with careers in environmental and science education. Scholarship applications may be submitted in early spring to the conference scholarship committee.

Certificate in Native Plants Scholarships

Individuals seeking to explore their interests in plant biology, plant ecology, horticulture, and conservation are encouraged to pursue the State Botanical Garden of Georgia at UGA’s Certificate in Native Plants. The program includes a comprehensive series of courses in the identification, propagation, and conservation of Georgia’s native plants and the ecosystems that support them with an emphasis on participatory learning. Scholarships are awarded periodically to individuals demonstrating financial need. Check back in 2025 for updated availability.

GNPS Annual Symposium Scholarships

Students with a passion for native plants, interns at nature centers or botanical gardens and interpretative naturalists at public parks are some of the beneficiaries of our Annual Symposium scholarships. Check back after January 1 to learn what opportunities are available each year.


Other Special Projects We Have Supported

Click here to read about several special projects GNPS has supported over the years. 


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