July 2016  – While volunteers worked at removing English ivy up near the road, pruning back trees that were shading over the older butterfly garden, and removing re-sprouts of English ivy and privet from areas that had previously been cleared of these invasives, plenty of other activity was going on as well.

Her Pk Wkdy 2016 7Jul1

BEFORE – section above and behind original butterfly garden that was selected for intensive removal of English ivy (Hedera helix).

Trail joggers, walkers, and their children and dogs were out in their usual plentiful numbers enjoying the outdoors. There were lots of pollinator insects in both butterfly gardens, frogs were singing in the pond below, a green lizard was spotted in a tree, and a big black crow crossed the trail and frightened a walker.  The phlox, wild quinine, whorled coreopsis, butterfly weed, wild petunia, mountain mint, St. Johnswort, and some early asters were all blooming.  A large arrow arum and numerous smaller ones arrived (via Price’s vehicle) and were settled into their new home in the pond.

If all this sounds like activity you’d like to be involved in too, we meet monthly (second Saturday of the month).  Contact connieg6474@gmail.com to let us know you’ll be coming.  We love it when others discover the native plants in their natural habitat at Heritage Park, and your help is always welcome!

Her Pk Wkdy 2016 7Jul2 2

AFTER – Same spot afterwards. The photo shows how well the ground in the selected spot was cleared, but also reveals that much more of the invasive ivy remains. That’s how invasives are managed the low-impact way: bit by bit, a little at a time, over time, until our cumulative efforts eventually show results.


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